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We discussed alternative approaches to managing Parkinson’s and optimizing quality of life. We discussed managing our full life comprehensively. The importance of sleep, recovery, maintenance and exercise. One of our participants discussed the use of “sauna red light” therapy and inferred radiant heat and claimed it calms and centers her, which is great. I researched...

Wednesday 2/16/22 Special thanks to Carol Brown for presenting her wonderful art which included oil based painting, photography and sculpture. See more of her work at CarolKBrown.com We discussed drawing of spirals and figure “8”s on request of neurologists who are possibly attempting to confirm a PD diagnosis. Driving and Parkinson’s. Loss of smell. Sleep...

Wednesday 2/9/22 Special thanks to Ann Harwell for showing us her wonderful quilt art. See more of her work at quiltartisannharwell.com We started with a wonderful presentation of art from a PWP from Ann Harwell. Her quilt art moved all and was a source of inspiration and hope. We will have her present again as...

Wednesday 2/2/22 Special thanks to Ross for reading from his amazing poetry book. As promised, below are links to resources relevant to what was discussed today. I’ll keep a growing list so feel free to share any links or info you think our Parkinson’s-Life group would find helpful. Ross Putnam’s Poetry Book:  The Many Moods...


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