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Notes, resources, links and a summary of what was discussed.

Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series June 28, 2023 Group News: PWP Ross completed his journey with Parkinson’s Disease. RIP Weather:          Changes in weather impact PD symptoms          Hot and humid days are more difficult to tolerate Non-motor symptoms:          Memory loss          Fatigue

Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series June 21, 2023 Behavior Modification. High Blood Pressure. Compression Stockings “On Fire” by John O’Leary When Do You Start Taking C/L? DAT Scan Neurologist Versus MDS MDS completes a Fellowship and/or Extra Training Links:

Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series  June 14, 2023 Discussed proposed changes to the design and content of the notes webpage. Virtual Reality             Oculus Topic for future discussion: Virtual Reality and  PD Links: Oculus https://www.michaeljfox.org/grant/virtual-reality-reduce-fall-risk-patients-parkinsons-disease  

Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series  June 7, 2023 Coping with Parkinson’s Disease             PWP are overwhelmed. There are always so many things that must get done, and you can’t do it all anymore. It can be difficult to accept the reality of the impact that PD has had on your life.             Support...

Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series  May 31, 2023 Patrick was ill over the weekend. He was concerned it might be appendicitis. There was a discussion regarding the shortage of medical professionals. There are month-long waits to get an appointment, particularly with a specialist. Sometimes you have to be a “pest” in order to...

Presentation: “Parkinson Voice Project: Introducing the “SPEAK OUT!” Program” Presenter: Hilary Byatt Content: The presentation provided information on the “SPEAK OUT!” Program for people with Parkinson’s (PWP) to regain and maintain their voice and minimize any swallowing issues. The presenter had the group perform some of the exercises that are part of the program. Contact...

Parkinson’s z– Discussion Group and Education Series  May 17, 2023 Falls are common for PWPs. Don’t move until you are sure you are okay. Common response: “I probably shouldn’t have done that” You are Centered, You are Certain, You are Strong! Clinically proven, doesn’t mean anything Plantar fasciitis: Cortisone shots, exercise, icing, special footwear. The...

Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series  May 10, 2023 Coping with PD          Acupuncture          Meditation          Calming Apps                   Simple Habit                   NuCalm          Chiropractors        verify credentials Constipation        MiraLAX, psyllium, high fiber food, recipes Memory          Old Age or Parkinson’s Links: NuCalm https://www.nucalm.com/ Simple Habit https://www.simplehabit.com/ Memory:  https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/memory-forgetfulness-and-aging-whats-normal-and-whats-not

Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series  May 3, 2023 Parkinson’s Disease (PD) medications MAO (type B) Rasagiline (Azilect) and Selegiline (Eldepryl, Zelapar) Acupuncture Advocacy          Patrick’s trip to Washington          MJF Foundation provides link to Senators and Congress members to facilitate communication Research Opportunities          PPMI is a landmark study collaborating with partners around...


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