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Visual Cues for Those Living with Parkinson’s Disease

      Strategies Incorporating Visual Cues to Improve Amplitude of Movement for Those Living with Parkinson’s Parkinson’s disease leads to lower levels of dopamine in the brain due to which the patient’s mobility range is seriously compromised. This includes the following two states. · Akinesia It is described as complete inability of the patient...

Benefit of Supplements

    Many athletes and physically active people want to maximize the value of their workouts through supplementation. The metabolic benefits of these products are not as intensively studied as one might hope. And although recent research has substantiated the claims of a few, and research continues, many of the supplemental products on the market...

Nutritional Information

    First, if you came to this page hoping to find a new diet fad or extreme weight loss strategy, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I’m not a big fan of these programs and I’ll explain why. It’s my belief that the best, safest, and most effective way to lose weight is through proper...

The Elite Athlete

  A discussion of the strategies and training theories which, when correctly employed, result in the athlete experiencing maximum conditioning and peak performance timed to coincide with an athletic competition. The science and understanding of the physiological adaptations that occur in the human body in response to a specific training stimuli, have given rise to...


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