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Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series 

March 8, 2023

Open Discussion

(PWP=Person with Parkinsons’)

PWP A. talked about an incident with her DBS equipment. She had been doing very well on it, but suddenly she had both the tremor back and dyskinesias. The support person had her adjust (lower) her DBS level. So far, this has corrected the issue and she is “back to normal” for her. This led to a discussion about DBS in general.

PWP G. continues to struggle with his use of the stimulator. Even after several adjustments it does not seem to be working for his legs. He has scheduled surgery for April 3.

A frequent topic of discussion for PWP is constipation. Staying well hydrated is the most important aspect of dealing with constipation. If you are adding fiber to your diet, you need to drink even more water, or it will actually have the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve.

Group members shared some of the strategies that have worked for them.


  • Mix 1 Tbsp. Psyllium in 8 oz of room temperature water or juice, 2-3x per daily. (Tangy flavor)
  • Mix a capful of Miralax with 4-8 ounces of any beverage, hot, cold, or room temperature once a day. There is no flavor or texture to the drink. It is easily adjusted by modifying the amount used or by taking it less often e.g., every other day.
  • Mix 1 cup applesauce, 1 cup oat bran, ¾ cup prune juice. Take 4 teaspoons daily.
  • Yakima Valley Anti-Constipation Fruit Paste Recipe at end of notes.
  • Apples, Dried Apricots, Square of Dark Chocolate (sugar free), Prunes, and Prune Juice, were suggested also.

Adding fiber to your diet helps manage constipation. Foods that are high in fiber include grains, beans, broccoli, pears, apricots, flax seed, chia seeds, oats, and barley. More information about high fiber, foods can be found here:

HealthLine.com High Fiber Foods

Adding vitamins and supplements to your diet. Some of the more commonly known supplements are Metamucil, Psyllium Husks (generic Metamucil), Fiber Choice, Citrucel, and Benefiber. More information about vitamins and supplements can be found here:

HealthLine.com Best Fiber Supplements

PWP G. mentioned that he had a recipe using prunes that worked well for constipation. PWP B. has one also and both will be included with the recap of this session.


Note: Always check with your doctor before changing or adding above strategies to your routine.

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