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Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series 

May 31, 2023

Patrick was ill over the weekend. He was concerned it might be appendicitis.

There was a discussion regarding the shortage of medical professionals. There are month-long waits to get an appointment, particularly with a specialist. Sometimes you have to be a “pest” in order to see the doctor.

Hospital stays can be a nightmare for PWP.  Many medical professionals do not know a lot about PD and don’t understand the need for you to keep on a strict meds schedule.

Parkinson’s Disease has experienced several new breakthroughs in the past 10 years. Many of them a result of clinical studies that were funded by national foundations. Parkinson’s Disease is finally getting some attention at the national level. PWP have played a major role by advocating for a National PD Directory, helping raise funds, pushing for more support from the government, and participating in clinical studies. PWP need to continue these actions to find a cure.

Patrick talked about having a weekend retreat with this group.

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5/24/23 Recap

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6/7/23 Recap


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