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Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series

July 27, 2022

Open Discussion

Dr. Ray Dorsey

The session opened with a review of Dr. Dorsey’s presentation regarding ways to prevent Parkinson’s Disease. The group thought the presentation was excellent and extremely informative. One person remarked “now I know how I got PD” because he was regularly exposed to the type of chemicals that Dr. Dorsey talked about as being associated with PD. Dr. Dorsey also stressed the importance of advocating for PWP. Other organizations are raising funds at a much higher level. PWP need to step up and make their voices heard.

Caveat Emptor (buyer beware)

 A robust discussion ensued about schemes and scams, especially those related to cures for PD. The internet is full of “miracle cures” for PD. And general scams are perpetrated hourly on the phone. Several participants have been the recipient of this unwanted contact and shared their experience handling it. A participant asked a question about chiropractors, and if they were legitimate. Depending on the state, a chiropractor must have completed a required educational plan, pass the required exams, have the requisite work experience, and be of good character. Most chiropractors are legitimately licensed, but there are still too many bad ones out there.

Group Questions

 Parkinson’s Disease Medicines

Mirapex, its benefits and cautions were discussed. It is commonly used for restless legs, which is frequently experienced by PWP.

Many of the PD medicines have a plethora of side effects, including constipation, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, blurred vison.

Some medicines can have more serious side effects such as stroke, heart problems, breathing difficulty, obsessive compulsive behavior, (when you can’t control your gambling, shopping, washing, etc.) You need to know what you are taking and the common side effects and contraindications. It may be that you will have several of them or none of them.

 How do you know when you don’t have enough dopamine?

Generally, you will have the same symptoms you had before you started dopamine drugs. Tremors may come back, or get worse, slowness (bradykinesia), rigidity, gait problems, balance issues, or any other symptoms you have. If you have been taking carbidopa-levodopa, and it is almost time to take your next dose, it may be that your dosage needs to be modified. This is commonly called “off” time. Keep track of when and how long it lasts to show your doctor.

 Footwear for PWP.

If you have a difficult time getting your shoes on, then check out these two great sites for footwear made for people like you. Kizik will accommodate braces if needed.

Billy Footwear








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7/20/22 Recap

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8/24/22 Recap


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