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Yoga is one of the most beneficial complementary therapies for PD. Some of the benefits of an ongoing yoga program may include reduced rigidity, improved strength, better balance and coordination. A yoga program can be very relaxing, helping with sleep issues and concentration. Yoga may mitigate some symptoms and even slow the progression of PD.

“Marika” provided a hands-on demonstration of several different poses. She showed the participants how to complete the exercise and the meditative aspect of each pose. One look at the gallery view confirmed the widespread interest in the presentation.
NOTE: Video will be posted to YouTube soon…

There was a discussion about the impact a PD diagnosis has on the whole family. Participants asked about coping with this life-altering disease, especially early on. Questions about managing relationships that may not look the same as they did before the PD journey began. The group felt it would be beneficial to have a professional visit and provide some information to the group. Patrick asked the group if they would like to include their “care partner” as well. There seemed to be support for this idea and Patrick asked the members to discuss with their partner.


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